Lisa is a second-degree black belt and instructor at Boulder Quest Center, and has decades of experience teaching, leading and inspiring students in many different disciplines. She was trained in classical ballet, and has studied and certified in a number of body-mind practices, including Sivananda yoga, Ashtanga yoga, Shiatsu, Reiki and other forms of energy work, and fire walking. Through her professional training in addictions counseling, trauma work and embodiment therapies, Lisa has mentored hundreds of women of all ages. She’s currently developing a women’s self-protection program devoted to empowering and educating young women on college campuses.
In her professional life, Lisa is a health and nutrition researcher, food writer, author of five books and founder of three food companies. She has also trained extensively in the field of emotional eating, is a certified Psychology of Eating coach, and works with dozens of clients with food and addiction issues.